下記ご確認の上、公式LINEのRequired Formにお進みください。
Please check the following information before proceeding to the Required Form at Official LINE.
We do not accept the following products.
1: Prohibited items based on the Universal Postal Convention and other regulations, prohibited items based on the Postal Law, and items that are prohibited from being delivered.
2: Alcoholic beverages.
3: Products that require temperature control
【水曜・日曜・祝日を除く】 月・火・木・金・土曜日の受取可
<Specified date of receipt>
(Excluding Wednesdays, Sundays, and national holidays)
before your package is shipped.
Due to the warehouse’s business days, the above designated date for receipt must be strictly adhered to.
Please note that extra charges (penalties) will be incurred if packages arrive on Wednesday, Sunday, or a public holiday.
However, if the volume of cargo to be transported is large, we may specify an arrival date.
<How to ship your shipment to us>
Customers are not allowed to enter the warehouse designated by us and bring in the cargo to be shipped.
Please be sure to send your shipment to us using a shipping company that will issue a shipping slip.
<About other risks>
We are not responsible for any risk of damage or loss due to shipping conditions or unforeseen accidents.
Due to shipping conditions, departure and arrival will be delayed.
第1条 サービス内容
Article 1.Content
The Client rents a part of the cargo space of the our container freight from Japan to Cambodia arranged by us. The Client pays this fee, and the we lends it.
3. 本料金の支払は、当該貨物の引き渡しと同時に銀行送金支払いとする。
Article 2. About Fee
(a) The fee of container space is calculated based on the Client’s cargo per 1 cubic meter.
(b) Volumes less than 1 cubic meter shall be rounded up to the nearest cubic meters. The volumes of the Client’s cargo are calculated based on the outer dimensions of the cargo, and in the case that cargo is multiple, the total volume shall be used.
(c) Payment of the fee shall be made by bank transfer at the same time as the delivery of the cargo to the Client.
2. 荷物に破損しやすいものが含まれる場合は、お客様の責任により安全な梱包を行うこととする。
3. お客様は以下の品物を荷物に入れることはできない。
① 危険物および日本およびカンボジアの法律に抵触する品物
② 腐敗の恐れがあるもの
③ 臭気を発し他の荷物に影響を及ぼすもの
④ 現金
⑤ その他、上記に準ずる一般貨物運送にそぐわない品物
4. 日本を出発するコンテナ便について、日本国内でのコンテナへの最終積込場の住所および集荷日時必着にて、お客様の責任をもって当社の指定する住所まで自身の貨物を送り届ける。原則として当社の受取指定日以外の荷物の受付は行わない。
5. お客様から集荷した荷物について、最終積込場へ集荷された状態のままコンテナへ積載する。
6. 理由の如何に問わず、お客様の荷物が集荷最終日の午前中までに到着せずコンテナへの積込に間に合わなかった場合、当社は当該荷物を乙の指定する住所へお客様の費用負担にて返送する。この場合、お客様は速やかに当社に対して本料金の全額を支払うこととする。
Article 3. Cargo specifications and Pickup date
(a) Generally, cargo should be enclosed in a cardboard box, and the Client must make a list that describes the outer dimensions (length width height) and details of the contents (hereinafter the LIST). The Client submits to us the LIST at least 3 business days before the pickup date specified in Paragraph 2. In addition, the enclosed cardboard must be marked with a serial number so that the LIST and the boxes match. Even if the package cannot be enclosed in a cardboard box due to its shape, be sure to attach the serial number by attaching a sticker etc.
(b) If the boxes contain fragile items, it is the Client responsibility to pack it safely.
The items must be packed in a box that is sturdy, undamaged, and with all folded-in sections to withstand overseas transportation.
In addition, if the item is fragile, the customer must provide individual bubble cushioning material or other means to handle the item himself/herself.
(c) You may not put the following items in your boxes.
1 Dangerous goods and goods that violate the laws of Japan and Cambodia.
2 Items that may be spoiled.
3 Those that emit odor and affect other cargo.
4 Cash
5 Other items that are not suitable for general freight transportation according to the above.
(d) We will notify the Client of the location and date of the final loading point for the container, and the Client will be responsible for the arrival of his own cargo within the date. Generally, the Client cargo will not be accepted on dates before and after the date that we designated.
(e) We loads the cargo collected from the Client into the container as it is collected.
(f) For whatever reason, if the Client cargo does not arrive in the AM of the day and is not in time for loading into the container, we will bring the Client’s cargo to the Client’s address. In this case, the Client shall promptly pay us the full amount of this fee.
2. お客様から提出のあった荷物リストに記載されており、かつ荷物がコンテナに搬入される際に現物を荷物リスト記載の通し番号で確認できたものについてのみ、万が一の紛失について保証するものとする。保証は当該逸失物の市場価格を基に協議する。
3. お客様が、荷物リストについて虚偽の記載をした場合、それに起因して発生する損害のすべてを請求する。
4. コンテナ積み込み完了後は、理由の如何を問わず輸送を中止することはできない。
Article 4. The responsibility and guarantee
(a) We will not be liable for the condition of the contents of the Client cargo unless the cargo is damaged by our intentional or serious negligence.
(b) We guarantees against loss of the Client cargo only if it is listed in the LIST and confirmed arrival with serial number at the pickup location. Guarantee will be discussed by the Client and us based on the market price of the lost item.
(c) If the Client make a false statement about the LIST, we claims all damages caused by it.
(d) After the container loading is completed, the transportation cannot be cancelled for any reason.
If the shipment needs to be returned or forwarded after arrival in Cambodia, the customer shall be responsible for taking the necessary measures, including costs and procedures.
第5条(信義則 管轄裁判所)
Article 5. Principle of Good Faith and Trust, Agreed Jurisdiction
In the event of doubts arising in regard to this Agreement and matters not stipulated in this Agreement, the Parties shall consult in good faith and integrity and cooperate towards settlement of such doubts and matters. In case a settlement cannot be reached, disputes concerning all rights and obligations arising from this Agreement shall be exclusively governed by the Supreme Court of Osaka.
以上、同意いただいた方は公式LINEよりRequired Formにお進みください。
If you agree, please proceed to Required form at Official LINE.
〒537-0025 大阪府大阪市東成区中道4-11-15